Planes in downtown NOLA

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Tue Sep 2 19:14:26 UTC 2008

At 9/1/2008 10:03 PM, Doug_Harris wrote:
>Speaking of proofreading . . .
>This, from yesterday's NYT, in a story headlined _A Long and Weary Bus Ride
>to Anywhere, Haunted by Memories_: "Anyone could show up at one of 17 pickup
>stops throughout New Orleans, get a ride to the Union Passenger Terminal and
>then stand in line for a bus, plane or train to shelters scattered
>throughout the region."
>Planes departing from downtown NOLA? Gimme a . . . lift.

Perhaps what was available downtown were buses destined for the
airport, passage upon which entitled one to a seat on an evacuation plane?


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