antedating (?) of "a square" (bore, pest) March 15, 1939

Stephen Goranson goranson at DUKE.EDU
Fri Sep 5 11:53:13 UTC 2008

_Square_. A bore, a pest (_syn_.: jeff, icky). After all, a square often
deserves to be

_Igged_. Ignored. To be sure, you can't always igg a square, but you can try.
For one thing, a jeff is not the type of gate who takes a chick out and

_Kills her_. Shows her a good time. ...

American Slang: A Glossary for Elder Readers ["in Harlem...Darkest New York"],
in Punch March 15, 1939, 282-3, here 283 col. 1.

Stephen Goranson

The American Dialect Society -

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