Baby's an It (call of the obstetrician?)

Lynne Murphy m.l.murphy at SUSSEX.AC.UK
Thu Sep 11 15:47:25 UTC 2008

--On Wednesday, September 10, 2008 12:33 pm -0400 sagehen
<sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM> wrote:

> I have heard that sex of babies can be identified by the hairline.I've no
> idea what the stats on this may be: can't be 100%, but perhaps  good
> enough to be useful.  Definite, neat hairlines indicate male (e.g., the
> "widow's peak" is rarely found in females). Diffuse, unorganized hairline
> characterstic of girls.  Not much help if baby has a cap on, of course.

When I read the first line, I thought that you were going to say that
widow's peak = girl, since many of the girl babies in our baby group have
one (including mine).


Dr M Lynne Murphy
Senior Lecturer in Linguistics and English Language
Arts B135
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QN

phone: +44-(0)1273-678844

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