"On the down-low" > "on the low-low" [NT]

Mark Mandel thnidu at GMAIL.COM
Sat Sep 20 01:07:31 UTC 2008


I understood the content of the subject line, and I didn't think "NT"
stood for "New Testament"* here, but I thought you'd meant to add some
citation or such.

* So does Google... in effect if not in intent. I'm seeing the gmail
sponsored link for "Study and Translate Greek NT: Accelerate Your
Spiritual Growth".

m a m

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 7:45 PM, Wilson Gray <hwgray at gmail.com> wrote:
> The subject *is* the content. That's why I added [NT] for "No Text." I
> regret the lack of clarity.
> -Wilson.

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