All 40 USA English phonemes (Was Re: Eggcorn? "warn" > "worn") (UNCLASSIFIED)

Mullins, Bill AMRDEC Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL
Fri Feb 13 21:18:50 UTC 2009

Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

>  _haeN at r_ from _aeNg at r_ or _s at n_from _s at N_.
> I copy pasted the above from below and it looks like they became blue
> color web addresses right now before sending this message.  I wonder
> how they'll come through.  IPA is useless.

That's not a failure of IPA.  It's a failure of your email program.
Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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