Rare Dialects

Tom Zurinskas truespel at HOTMAIL.COM
Mon Feb 23 04:27:49 UTC 2009

Unitelligible dialects? absolutely.  I attended a talent show at a local college with my parents and wife.  The MC was a black man and much of the audience was black.  He must have been funny because they were having a ball.  Meanwhile we kept looking at each other wondering what he was saying.  I will never forget it.

It happened in England as well.  I had to avoid this fellow member of a society I belong to because I couldn't understand a word he was saying.

Tom Zurinskas, USA - CT20, TN3, NJ33, FL5+
see truespel.com

> Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2009 08:11:41 -0500
> From: djmetevia at CHARTERMI.NET
> Subject: Rare Dialects
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society
> Poster: David Metevia
> Subject: Rare Dialects
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> An interesting article in the LA Times yesterday:
> http://www.latimes.com/news/la-me-interpret21-2009feb21,0,5139254.story
> This man could communicate easily in his home town and even somewhat
> outside of that as he knows some Spanish. However, it is a big culture
> shock to be in California.
> Are there examples in the US of AmE dialects so isolated from the
> mainstream that most of us would have difficulty communicating?
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org
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