Ethnic-based terms of contempt

Matthew Gordon gordonmj at MISSOURI.EDU
Thu Feb 26 21:10:35 UTC 2009

The BBC article cited earlier today on the "oldest English words" uses
"Chinese whispers" which I take to be the equivalent of the game that I've
always known as telephone.

On 2/26/09 2:42 PM, "Bill Palmer" <w_a_palmer at BELLSOUTH.NET> wrote:

> The recent discussion of "shade-tree mechanic", which conveys, in some usages,
> contempt for the referent, naturally leads to the subject of other such
> expressions.
>  In US English many are ethnic -based, such as "Indian giver", "Dutch
> courage", "Chinese fire-drill", "French leave", "Irish pennant" (this one may
> be unique to the US Navy).
> How many others are there?  I'm wondering if this is uniquely American.
> Probably not, but are we more predisposed to it?
> Bill Palmer
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