preservation within the Psycholinguistics

Sturm, Beate sturm at SUB.UNI-GOETTINGEN.DE
Wed Jan 21 08:31:34 UTC 2009

Dear colleague!


The PARSE.Insight project seeks your input towards a case study on digital
preservation within the Psycholinguistics.


Preservation of digital information is a major challenge for many
organizations. The long-term management, access and preservation of this
information present a number of serious risks and unresolved problems. The
international scientific research community must rise to this challenge if it
is to take full advantage of the data and information resources available for
research today and in the future.


The PARSE.Insight project (, funded by the
European Commission, aims to produce a roadmap for the development of an
e-infrastructure for digital preservation. Besides a general survey, the
project performs three case studies, amongst others within the


Your particular views and experiences are of great value in helping to shape
the roadmap, and we would be very grateful if you would take a few minutes to
complete the survey, which may be accessed at


All responses to this survey will be aggregated for analysis and made
anonymous. The findings will be used to help inform and shape the funding
landscape for digital preservation activity throughout Europe.


Thank you very much in advance!



PARSE.Insight team


If you want to navigate within the survey please use the buttons below and
not your browser.




Dr. des. Beate Sturm, Assessorin des Archivdienstes

Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen- Goettingen
State and University Library, Germany (SUB) - Research & Development
Historisches Gebäude Papendiek 14
37073 Göttingen

Tel.: +49 (0) 551 39 13789
Mail: sturm at <mailto:sturm at> 
URL: <> 

SkypeName: adasturm


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