Follow-up #1 on Alain Locke quote

Cohen, Gerald Leonard gcohen at MST.EDU
Sun Jun 14 13:11:24 UTC 2009

Yesterday I tried to send the message below to ads-l, but somehow it didn't get through. In a few minutes I'll follow up with two more messages which have been sent to me privately--from Stephen Goranson and Barry Popik). The Locke quote is once more looking non-existent.

Gerald Cohen

Sent: Sat 6/13/2009 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: "Big Apple" revisited... --( possible mistake on A. Locke's Harlem/big apple quote)

Whoops.  Let me temporarily back off from my earlier message today about A. Locke and Harlem/big apple quote. I might have made a mistake in interpreting Ms. Bethel's message to me.  When I look at her message again, I'm not sure if she's telling me that the Locke quote is from _The New Negro_ or if that's what Anita Doreen Diggs says in her book _Talking Drums_.

I hope to get this cleared up early next week when Ms. Bethel returns to her office.  Meanwhile I've ordered a copy of Alain Locke's book _The New Negro_ via interlibrary loan.  And I remain very grateful to Ms. Bethel, who checked a number of books on quotations by African-Americans for me and has been very helpful.

I'll keep ads-l posted.

Gerald Cohen

The American Dialect Society -

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