"Bruce sale"?

David Bowie db.list at PMPKN.NET
Tue Jun 16 04:23:35 UTC 2009

From:    Mark Mandel <thnidu at GMAIL.COM>

> While driving along Lancaster Ave. in Phila. yesterday, I saw a store with a
> sign on the sidewalk advertising simply "BRUCE", and a couple of blocks
> later another sign for "BRUCE SALE". I have no idea what these were about,
> nor do I remember what the stores were selling. Google yields nothing
> helpful. Does anyone know?

In New Jersey or Southeastern Pennsylvania, my first reaction would
probably be to expect a sale on Springsteen merchandise.

David Bowie                               University of Central Florida
     Jeanne's Two Laws of Chocolate: If there is no chocolate in the
     house, there is too little; some must be purchased. If there is
     chocolate in the house, there is too much; it must be consumed.

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