
Mullins, Bill AMRDEC Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL
Mon May 11 15:02:53 UTC 2009

>For Costco, I see the words "cost" and "co", i.e,"company", 
>combined.  The word "cost" has the "awe" vowel.  So it 
>should be pronounced "KAWST-koe"  ~kaustkoe.  If you 
>want to get some weird looks, go into Costco and call it 
>~Kaustkoe.  ~Kaazkoe is burned in.

I do not drop awes, but I don't pronounce it "KAWST-koe," either.  I say the "Cost" syllable to rhyme with "not".  And I pronounce the "t" in it.  And I don't get weird looks about it, either.


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