
Douglas G. Wilson douglas at NB.NET
Tue May 12 03:26:57 UTC 2009

At G. Books, "caron" is found in a snippet from 1978 (date appears
probably genuine):

Here the mark is opposed to "caret" in a list of symbols, with
"circumflex" appearing elsewhere in the list ... I think probably
indicating that the "caret" and "caron" are not necessarily diacritical
marks comparable to acute accent etc. Presumably the "caron" here is a
mark comparable to the usual "caret" (insertion mark).

"Caron" also seems to appear in this 1967 style manual (date is possibly
genuine), without even a snippet available:

None of my handy printed dictionaries (including MW2, MW3, RHUD, EB)
show "caron". Seems like some insertion is in order.

At a glance, on-line bilingual dictionaries show synonymous "caron" in
Portuguese and "carón" in Spanish, nothing apparently cognate elsewhere.

-- Doug Wilson


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