Tom Zurinskas
truespel at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri May 29 21:56:40 UTC 2009
You ask for a translation in truespel.
For truespel (not truspel or troospel) just copy/paste the text into the text translate box and hit translate. Below is the truespel of the first paragraph.
Interestingly, if you retranslate the selection back again all the homonyms are shown. Words are clickable for definitions. It's a great translator by Joe Davison.
(Note the numbers are probably IPA phonetics (not copyable of course)
(Note that not all words are translated as they are not in the dictionary as yet)
Below is the translation
U sillabik kaansunint iz u kaansunint wich eether formz u silubool aan its oen, or iz thu nuekleeyis uv u silubool. Thu dieyukrritik fer this in thu Internnashinool Funnetik Alfubet iz thu under-stroek, 809:, at Unicode koed point U329. Az withh aul IPA kumbbieneeng kairikterz, thu dieyukrritik must bee enterd after thu leter it maadifiez.
Egzzampoolz frum Eenglish aar butin (b652:t794:n809:), baatool (b594:tl809:), aeker (712:e618:k633:809:), and rithim (712:633:618:m809:). Noet that aul uv theez kaansunints aar sonorants. Thu oenlee tiem obstruents aar yuezd sillabiklee in Eenglish iz in aanumatuppeeyu, such az sh (643:809:) (u kummand tue bee kwieyit), sss (s809:) (thu his uv u snaek), zzz (z809:) (thu sound uv u bee buzeeng or sumwun sleepeeng), and tsk tsk () (yuezd tue eksprres disuprruevool or pitee), thoe it's naat sertin hou tue diffien wut u silubool iz in such kaesiz.
Sanskrit 7771: (r809:) (and Vedic Sanskrit 7735: (l809:)) aar sillabik kaansunints, allophones uv consonantal r and l. This kunttinyuez thu reekunstrruktid sichuewwaeshin uv Proto-Indoe-Yerippeeyin, wair boethh nasals and liquids had sillabik allophones, r809:, l809:, m809:, n809:.
Thu Chek and Sloevaak r (638:) and l (l) mae aulsoe bee sillabik, az in thu fraez- Str269: prst skrz krk ("thhrust thu feenger thhrue thu nek"). In addishin, Sloevaak aulsoe haz laung verzhinz uv theez sillabik kaansunints, 341: and 314:: k314:b (joint), v341:ba (wiloe)
Thu Macedonian r (r) ken aulsoe bee sillabik, wen serroundid bie kaansunints or wen at thu beeggineeng uv u werd faaloed bie u kaansunint, such az in thu faaloeweeng egzzampoolz: 1087:1088:1074:1080:1086:1090: (pr809:v) (thu ferst), 1109:1088:1094:1082:1080: (675:r809:678:ki) (inssiedz), 1089:1088:1094:1077: (sr809:678:e) (haart), 1085:1077:1079:1072:1076:1088:1078:1083:1080:1074:1086: (n603:zadr809:658:410:iv7440:) (unsttaapubool): and'1088:1073:1077:1090: (r809:b603:t) (spien),'1088:1107:1072: (r809:607:u) (rust),'1088:1095:1080: (r809:679:Ie) (snor), etc.
Thair aar "frikutiv voulz" in sevrool laengwijiz, wich aar akchulee sillabik frikutivz. In Mandurin Chiennees theez aar ritin s299: (z809:), sh299: (642:809:), r299: (656:809:). Standerd Liangshan Yi haz tue "buzd" voulz, ritin 7795:, i804:, wich aar aulsoe sillabik frikutivz, (946:, 633:797:), and mae eevin bee trild (665:797:, r797:).
Berber, Saelish, and Wakashan laengwijiz aar sumtiemz yuezd tue ilustraet sillabik obstruents in normool voekkabyuelairee, such az Bella Coola (p688:t688:k688:ts688:), (sp688:s) "nortthheest wind", (s967:s) "seel bluber", (620:q688:) "wet", (357:620:620:) "drie", or (nujam620:620:620:620:) "wee (620:) yuezd tue (620:620:) seeng (nujam620:)". Houwwever, it iz naat kleer hou wun wood diffien u silubool or u sillabik nuekleeyis in such kaesiz, and it's thairfor naat kleer wether enee uv theez kaansunints shood bee kunssiderd sillabik.
Tom Zurinskas, USA - CT20, TN3, NJ33, FL5+
> Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 09:55:51 -0400
> From: laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
> Subject: Re: bridle/bridal
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society
> Poster: Laurence Horn
> Subject: Re: bridle/bridal
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> At 9:51 AM +0100 5/29/09, Chris Waigl wrote:
>>On 29 May 2009, at 02:36, Tom Zurinskas wrote:
>>>That's why the phonetic spelling /pedl/ is not right to express how
>>>the word "pedal/peddle" is spoken. This is because these are two
>>>syllable words and need two vowels.
>>Chris Waigl
>>proudly sporting her own syllabic L
> OK, but for extra credit, convert this wiki-entry into truspel.
> LH
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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