Fwd: arms length relative

Chris Waigl chris at LASCRIBE.NET
Sat May 30 15:35:09 UTC 2009

[Sent this directly to Ron Butters by error.]

Begin forwarded message:

> On 30 May 2009, at 12:18, ronbutters at AOL.COM wrote:
>> This is just one more example of how robust is the English
>> compounding machinery. "Keep X at arm's length" has been around for
>> a long time.
> In the UK, "arms-length body" is such a common term that it has its
> own abbreviation. So you might read about ALBs created for this-or-
> that purpose.
> Chris Waigl
> --
> Chris Waigl -- http://chryss.eu -- http://eggcorns.lascribe.net
> twitter: chrys -- friendfeed: chryss

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