ben thinking

Randy Alexander strangeguitars at GMAIL.COM
Mon Oct 19 13:41:44 UTC 2009

>From a Baltimore Sun article:

_War on Fox: Is this best use of White House talent?_

'I have ben thinking all day and much of the night about Week 2 of the
White House attack on Fox News Sunday. You can read my Sunday post on
it here under the headline "Emanuel, Axelrod offer more bad media

(At least until it gets fixed.)

Pronunciation "been" is usually given with a schwa or "short i" in
dictionaries.  My impression is that the schwa form is allegro speech
(taking the idea that schwa is not accented in American English), and
that the short i version is in the minority, with the majority
pronunciation (what might be considered more standard) is with a
"short e" /bEn/.  It would be silly to assume that this typo was
caused by sound-spelling, but it caught my attention and stirred an
old pet peeve.

Randy Alexander
Jilin City, China
Manchu studies:
Chinese characters:

The American Dialect Society -

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