Netscape -> Firefox?

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Sat Sep 12 15:09:45 UTC 2009

Mention of Firefox reminds me that in the last month or less the
Harvard library sytem has apparently switched from Microsoft's
Internet Explorer to Firefox.  (I only looked to see what browser was
in use because when I wanted to open a second window it opened it as
a tab instead.)  I am still using Netscape (I'm a late adopter), but
finding some lacks recently (sites that won't perform certain
functions unless I access them via Internet Explorer instead).  So --

Has anyone switched from Netscape to Firefox?

Were you able to transfer your bookmark structure and
bookmarks?  Other settings?

Is the user interface sufficiently like Netscape that I won't have to
learn to talk again?

Any other cautions or comments?


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