do these guys think we are idiots or what?

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Thu Apr 1 00:01:45 UTC 2010

Yes they do.  Just like the Nigerian scams.

Check Snopes for something like "greeting card" or
"Hallmark".  Acquaintances tell me the virus is back.  If I get
something like this From, say, Blue Mountain, and it's my birthday or
whatever, I do open it.  One can hover one's mouse over the link and
see where it's really going.  And Blue Mountain explicitly tells you
you can go directly to their site and use the ID number of the card to see it.


At 3/31/2010 06:23 PM, ronbutters wrote:
>I just got a message with the following in the subject line:
>You have received a greeding e-card !
>Don't think I'll open it.
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