eggcorn? Baskinet

Arnold Zwicky zwicky at STANFORD.EDU
Wed Mar 10 13:47:23 UTC 2010

On Mar 9, 2010, at 8:25 PM, i wrote:

> in any case, "bathinet" is not just another name for a bassinet ...
> while "baskinet" is ...

for "bassinet", NOAD2 (following OED2) has 'a baby's wicker cradle,
usually with a hood'.  the etymology goes back to a diminutive of
french "bassin" 'basin', alluding to the shape of a bassinet.  the
specification of wicker here does suggest baskets, since wicker is a
stardard material for making baskets.  in any case, bassinets are also
basket-like in shape.

but bassinets aren't necessarily made of wicker (they can even be made
of plastic, in "laundry basket bassinets"), and AHD4 eliminates wicker
from its definition (while bringing out the basket connection): 'an
oblong basketlike bed for an infant'.  bassinets serve as beds for
small infants; some are portable, some not.

further sense development: according to the Wikipedia entry, in some
places 'a bassinet is also the term for a baby bouncing device used to
relax a baby when it is going to sleep.'


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