Negative Nancies and other related musings

Victor Steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Sat Mar 20 18:24:51 UTC 2010

Yes, I thought of Nervous Nellie right after I hit Send. It's one of
those head-slappers that creeps up on you when you write in the middle
of the night. I could not make a direct connection to a more generic use
of Nancy because I simply would not know how to look for that. But there
is another alliteration that comes to mind.
Harper's Young People, Dec. 3, 1889. p. 83
"Nancy Pansy", by Thomas Nelson Page
> "Nancy Pansy" was what Middleburgh called her, though the parish
> register of baptism contained nothing nearer the name than that one of
> Anne, daughter of Baylor Seddon, Esq., and Ellenor his wife.

This story remained popular for the next 30 years. Of course, this ties
well with,
> Nancy Pansy lived in a well,
> She brewed good ale for gentlemen ;
> Gentlemen came every day,
> Till Nancy Pansy ran away.
(1888, reprinted 2006)

Partridge has Nosey Parker and Nosey O'Grady and, of course, Nervous
Nellie. One of his definitions of "Molly" is "sodomite"--more
specifically (from Beale, 2002), "2. A sodomite: coll. 1709 (E. Ward);
ob. Cf. /pansy/. But ca. 1895-1914, a merely effeminate fellow was often
called a /Gussie/; in C.20, esp. after WWI, a sodomite is a /nancy/, a
/Nancy-boy/, or a /cissy/ (/sissy/), this last also applying to a
milksop." Similarly Miss Molly interchangeable with Miss Nancy, both
meaning "a milksop, an effeminate fellow". "Nancy" also pops up under
"queanie" (late C. 19-20th Aus.), apparently suggesting that Australian
"queanie" (not "queenie"!) was the equivalent of Nancy elsewhere. Can't
see the "Nancy" entry on-line. The "pansy/pansie" page is also not
shown. There is /no/ entry for "negative" anything.

MWCT (1993) has nancy, along with fairy, nance, pansy, queen and swish,
as related but not synonymous with homosexual--no separate entry under

It is interesting that "nancy" was in use roughly before Page's story
was published and pansy became the operative term after it faded from
popularity--after WWI. I wonder if the turn-of-the-century Pansy
Societies changed their names in the 1920s.

That about covers all I got on "nancy".


On 3/20/2010 12:31 PM, Laurence Horn wrote:
> At 10:56 AM -0400 3/20/10, Alice Faber wrote:
>> "Nervous Nellie" is the phrase that comes to mind. Google reveals
>> citations as early as the 1920s but I can't figure out how to sort the
>> list to find the oldest.
>> --
> Back in the Nixon era the administration was given to dismissing
> "nervous nellies" and "nattering nabobs of negativism" (the latter a
> phrase put into Spiro Agnew's mouth by Safire, who afterwards never
> let us forget it, and indeed it is a classic of its kind).
> I can't remember any Nancies from the period, but I wonder whether
> I'm not stretching too much to see in "negative Nancy" and "nervous
> Nancy" a possible allusion to the older use of "Nancy" (HDAS: 'a
> weak-willed, priggish, or effeminate fellow; sissy; specif. an
> effeminate male homosexual [as opposed to all those effiminate female
> homosexuals?}--usu. used derisively--usu. considered offensive', with
> cites back to the 19th c.
> LH
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