OT: More broadcast journalism

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Sat May 1 14:24:24 UTC 2010

At 5/1/2010 09:54 AM, Dave Wilton wrote:
>Plus it's comparing a state with a city. Arizona has a population of 6.5
>million, NYC 8.3 million. It wouldn't be terribly surprising if total crime
>in Arizona was similar to that of NYC. One might expect it to be about 25%
>lower, given the somewhat smaller population, but other factors might drive
>it up.
>Not to mention that NYC's violent crime rate is relatively low. The bad old
>days of the 70s and 80s are long gone. This Wikipedia page, which gives 2008
>FBI statistics ranks NYC 55th in violent crime and 75th in property crime.

Thanks for finding this; I wanted to say so but hesitated without the data.

>Even Anchorage, Alaska is higher.

I'm eagerly awaiting the 2012 Presidential race.

>But the FBI says this about its crime statistics:
>"Each year when 'Crime in the United States' is published, some entities use
>reported figures to compile rankings of cities and counties. These rough
>rankings provide no insight into the numerous variables that mold crime in a
>particular town, city, county, state, or region. Consequently, they lead to
>simplistic and/or incomplete analyses that often create misleading
>perceptions adversely affecting communities and their residents. Valid
>assessments are possible only with careful study and analysis of the range
>of unique conditions affecting each local law enforcement jurisdiction. *The
>data user is, therefore, cautioned against comparing statistical data of
>individual reporting units from cities, metropolitan areas, states, or
>colleges or universities solely on the basis of their population coverage or
>student enrollment.*"

An admirable statement.  One I doubt would have been authorized under
Hoover, but I don't know when they first began to include it.


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