Killing for Peace

victor steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Mon May 10 05:10:32 UTC 2010

While searching for something else, I came across the photo whose
caption--aside from the "ironic slogan"--had potentially interesting
The Bulletin [Bend, OR] - Oct 19, 1970
Killing for Peace [UPI] p. 6/1 [GNA p. 4]
> An American soldier with a half-eaten candy bar, still partially wrapped in tin foil, in his mouth takes aim with an M-79 grenade launcher at Trung Leung, less than a mile from the DMZ in South Vietnam. He wears a hat on which he has written the ironic anti-war slogan, "Killing for peace." (UPI Telephoto)

I might be wrong about the structure of the first sentence being in
any way interesting, but it attracted my attention.


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