Most Notable Quotations of 2010

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Mon Nov 22 00:42:38 UTC 2010

"The Internet puts the 'pry' in privacy!"

Signe Wilkinson
"Family Tree"
Sunday, Nov. 21, 2010
[Unfortunately, the primary source is all caps.]

This instant, only one (unique) Google Web hit, but I expect it will
be noticed.


At 11/19/2010 09:14 PM, Shapiro, Fred wrote:
>I am now working on my list for the Associated Press of the top 10
>most notable quotations of the year.  By "notable" I mean
>"important" or "famous" or "particularly revealing of the spirit of
>our times" rather than necessarily being eloquent or admirable.
>Some of the possibiliities (many of them very helpfully suggested by
>Ben Zimmer) include:
>Government isn't what our Founding Fathers put into the Constitution.
>Sharron Angle
>I'd like my life back.
>Tony Hayward
>Dude, you have no Koran!
>Jacob Isom
>I'm going to take my talents to South Beach.
>LeBron James
>I'm not a witch.  I'm nothing you've heard.  I'm you.
>Christine O'Donnell
>We live in hard times, not End Times.
>Jon Stewart
>I would welcome suggestions of additional quotes from 2010,
>particularly ones from politics or popular culture or entertainment
>or sports or business or technology.
>Fred Shapiro
>Project Wombat - Project-Wombat
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