Heard on the judges

Wilson Gray hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Tue Nov 23 01:48:47 UTC 2010

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 7:59 PM, David A. Daniel <dad at pokerwiz.com> wrote:
> a ... woman, a landlord

I'm waiting for

> a ... man, a landlady

As long as the value *always* defaults to the Masculine form, I find
myself unable to understand how the artificial elimination of the
Feminine form can be seriously regarded as a blow against genderism by
anyone with a mind. The elimination of the Feminine in favor of the
Masculine still marks the Feminine as inferior and clearly continues
to label references to Woman as a mark of inferiority.

Just as The Chappelle Show and The Boondocks weakened the impact of
_nigger_ by applying it to anyone and everyone, regardless of race, so
also have these programs lighten the perceived (I just tossed that in
for laughs, most people having become bored with _apparent_, though
that may be merely apparent) level of _bitch_ WRT its use to low-rate
or down chicks by applying it to anyone and everyone, regardless of
All say, "How hard it is that we have to die!"––a strange complaint to
come from the mouths of people who have had to live.
–Mark Twain

Once we recognize that we do not err out of laziness, stupidity,
or evil intent, we can uncumber ourselves of the impossible burden of
trying to be permanently right. We can take seriously the proposition
that we could be in error, without necessarily deeming ourselves
idiotic or unworthy.
–Kathryn Schulz

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