teenager doing accents

Paul Frank paulfrank at POST.HARVARD.EDU
Mon Oct 4 16:27:28 UTC 2010

Jonathan Lighter:

> FWIW, I've never encountered "take the piss/ piss-take" in U.S. English.
> Never.

That's what I meant. It's not American English. It's a British term
and a very British concept. Arguably the most British concept there
is. This dialect imitator is pretty good but he obviously hasn't lived
in the U.S.A.


Paul Frank
German, French, Italian > English
Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Tel. +41 77 4096132
paulfrank at post.harvard.edu
paul.frank at bfs.admin.ch

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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