
Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Oct 7 15:30:58 UTC 2010

At 9:34 AM -0500 10/7/10, Jim Parish wrote:
>Jonathan Lighter wrote:
>>  My whole seventh-grade class was told by a junior high English teacher that
>>  the "correct pronunciation" was indeed / kwIksot /.
>>  Nobody could believe it, especially since he himself always said /kihoti/,
>>  with the apology that he "knew it was wrong" but couldn't shake the habit.
>>  He let us say it too, but since then I've felt guilty about it.
>>  Number of other humans I've heard say /kwIksot/ since 1959:   0.
>My mother, when in a whimsical mood, used to pronounce it /kiSat/.

à la quasi-française--they render him /ki'SOt/ ("Quichotte")


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