Dialect Notes 1903: Word-List from East Alabama

Victor Steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Sat Sep 18 07:54:03 UTC 2010

  That's one Yiddishisms, and one (?). Don't knock it Wilson, there used
to be a sizable Jewish community in Alabama, but it declined rather
rapidly toward the end of last century. Only a couple of years ago, a
congregation in Alabama was offering $50000 plus relocation expenses for
a young Jewish family to relocate to their area and stay there for 5 years.


On 9/18/2010 1:25 AM, Wilson Gray wrote:
> ...
> SMART-ELLICK, n. A[n] ... impertinent person.
>           In E TX BE, especially of or to a child or an adolescent.
> ...
> SPIEL, v. i. To talk fluently and in an exaggerated vein. "He can
> spiel, all right." (An East-Alabama Yiddishism?)
> ...

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