_Reboot_: a semantic extension thereof

Dave Wilton dave at WILTON.NET
Sat Apr 9 22:38:47 UTC 2011

>Well, yes. But all of that doesn't strike me as being the same thing
>as using _reboot_ as a pswaydo-hip pomposity in place of the
>established "remake."

A "reboot" is different than a "remake." The latter is essentially the same story, characters, themes, etc. But a "reboot" is a reimagining of the franchise. There are fundamental changes to make it more relevant to contemporary audiences.

The Coen brothers' "True Grit" is a remake. It's identifiably the same story as the novel and John Wayne movie. The new "Battlestar Galactica" is a reboot. It only vaguely resembles the 70s TV series.

Whether the new "Wonder Woman" is a reboot or a remake remains to be seen.

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