"upcycling", but not "up cycling"

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Tue Apr 12 18:55:57 UTC 2011

"Upcycling", not in the OED, is dated by
Wikipedia to 1994, by Reiner Pilz of Pilz GmbH in
an interview by Thornton Kay of
Salvo.  (Apparently a PDF is still on-line, but I
didn't wait for it to download.)

There seems to be another 1994 example in
English.  GBooks gives a snippet from Design for
Manufacturability, 1994, which contains both
"upcycling" and "upcycled"   The first line is
obscured, but the last says "The products are
disassembled, reconditioned and upcycled to the current state of the art."

GBooks asserts a 1987 title "Upcycling von
Altpapier für den Einsatz in höherwertige
graphischen Papieren durch chemisch-mechanische
Aufbereitung(Deinken und Bleichen)" Dissertation, Hans-Joachim Putz, 1987.

I think one can safely ignore this bit from
Scientific American: Supplement: Volume 39 - Page 205 (1895):

"Still men go on, and it is my duty once more to
take this opportunity of warning men of all apes
not to give upcycling. for that would be the
greatest pity,but not to overstrain at it. Long
and severe competitions of cycling, ... "


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