A conundrum

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Thu Aug 4 14:02:39 UTC 2011

At 8/4/2011 07:22 AM, David A. Daniel wrote:
>Client to lawyer: How much do you charge?
>Lawyer: $300 for 3 questions.
>Client: Isn't that a lot?
>Lawyer: Yes. Now what is your last question?

This is the same lawyer who once met a doctor at a cocktail
party.  When the doctor learned he was a lawyer, the doctor said,
"may I ask you a question?"
Lawyer:  Certainly.
Doctor:  When I meet people at cocktail parties and they learn I am a
doctor, they often ask me to diagnose their symptoms.  What should I do?
Lawyer:  Give them your opinion and send a bill in the morning.
Doctor:  Brilliant -- I'll do that!
So the doctor went home happy.  When he opened his mail the next
morning, he found a bill from the lawyer for $200.


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