We're all Keynesians now -- ("Ich bin ein Berliner")

Victor Steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Wed Dec 7 22:50:39 UTC 2011

Children, children! Why are you fighting over a hypothetical jelly
doughnut? Can we make this fight also hypothetical?


On 12/7/2011 4:05 PM, Reinhold {Rey} Aman wrote:
> Dan Goncharoff wrote:
>> Ray is right.
> I suppose that would be me, Rey.  And yes, you're correct:
> Rey *is* right.
>> I trust the 13 years I spent in Germany
> And I trust the 73 years I have been speaking German as a native
> speaker, the years I taught German at the University of Texas and
> the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and my expertise as a German
> dialectologist for regional variants spoken throughout Germany,
> Austria, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Liechtenstein, and elsewhere.
>> instead of 'scholarly evidence',
> By which I meant the scholarly articles published by North-German
> Prof. Jürgen Eichhoff and South-German ex-Prof. Reinhold Aman, among
> others.
>> especially when the 'scholarly evidence' tries to tell me JFK's
>> accent wasn't bad.
> Ach Gott im Himmel!  My statement that JFK's accent was not "bad" and
> his grammar was perfect is *not* "scholarly evidence."
> Just for the hell of it, put on your best earphones and listen to
> JFK here:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Pjn5E6yOKo
> and then tell me which of the four words are pronounced "badly."
> JFK's pronunciation of "Ich bin ein Berliner" is better than how
> millions of native German-speakers would pronounce it.  Trust me.
> But being incorrigibly stubborn, you'll cling to your erroneous
> belief.
> Incidentally, the Earth is *not* flat and the moon is *not* made of
> green cheese, as many other stubborn people believe.

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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