Heard on "Jerry": "VP (PREP) _me/you/him_ NP"

Wilson Gray hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Thu Feb 10 18:55:25 UTC 2011

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 11:30 AM, William Salmon
<wsalmon1 at interchange.ubc.ca> wrote:
> '...eating on me a hamburger' sounds okay to me. And there are a few ghits for 'drinking on me some', giving examples like this:
> I am enjoying myself relaxing listening to alil old school and drinking on me some red wine!!
> the fam is sleep, (They can't hang)I'm up, drinking on me some Pink Panties

Needless to say, these also are completely grammatical for me, too.
The problem for me has been that I've never been able to get a
conscious grasp on what underlying syntactico-semantic structure
underlies and motivates this feature of SE/BE.

Your drinking examples are absolutely great! The same person, a black
DJ on XPRS, a 100,000-watt Texas station broadcasting from Mexico in
order to bypass the U.S. 50,000-watt limit (I listened to the station
when I lived in L.A.!) used examples 2a-b on successive nights on his
show, The Blues Express. (Get it: eXPReSs? har! har!)

IAC, I've long felt that, since potato chips can be eaten as
individual, not-necessarily-though-possibly, unbroken units, whereas
it's unlikely that even a White Castle is eaten in a single gulp, let
alone a Big Mac, it's this latter that motivates the use of _eating
on_. So also, though it's certainly possible to toss down an alcoholic
beverage in a single gulp, that's not the default case. Normally, you
be dranking on you a liquid - you know, like, sipping on you a drank -
like you be eating on you a hamburger.

All say, "How hard it is that we have to die!"––a strange complaint to
come from the mouths of people who have had to live.
–Mark Twain

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