Memorable Quotations for 2011 - candidate courtesy of Conan O'Brien

Garson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jun 23 04:37:19 UTC 2011

In this age of the limited attention span it would have been prudent
to start collecting phrases for 2011 sometime in January. Starting
late, here is a June quotation.

The comedian Conan O'Brien delivered the Commencement Address at
Dartmouth on June 12, 2011. Below is a link to a transcript and a
video. I like the poignant insight of this remark:

There are few things more liberating in this life than having your
worst fear realized.

Here is another comment some found appealing

In 2000 - in 2000 - I told graduates to not be afraid to fail, and I
still believe that. But today I tell you that whether you fear it or
not, disappointment will come. The beauty is that through
disappointment you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction
and true originality.

I was reminded of this quote when I read Wilson Gray's cri de coeur
given below. O'Brien did write for the Harvard Lampoon, but I do not
know if he would recognize a bindle.

 Wilson Gray wote
> "Give him a _hobo's pack on the end of a stick_"!
> Is the word, _bindle_, become unknown, even among the alumni of the
> Harvard Lampoon who write today's TV shows?
> "O tempora! O mores!"
> to coin a phrase.
> --
> -Wilson

The American Dialect Society -

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