Postpositive e.g.

Tom Zurinskas truespel at HOTMAIL.COM
Sun Mar 20 08:33:17 UTC 2011

It says in this article that Jesus wrote none of the Bible.  It makes me wonder if Jesus was literate.  I'm sure if I were a follower of Jesus and he wrote me a note, I'd treasure it forever and hand it down as a sacred thing.

It would be great if the Bible began with King Gilgamesh, 2700 years prior to Jesus.  That story has the world's first acknowledged author, Shin-eqi-unninni (~Shin Ekee Uenneenee?)

Tom Zurinskas, Conn 20 yrs, then Tenn 3, NJ 33, now FL 9.
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> ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society
> Poster: Randy Alexander
> Subject: Postpositive e.g.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------
> 1. Every Bible is actually a collection of books. .... This helps to explain
> the tremendous variety of theological perspectives, literary style, and
> sometimes perplexing preoccupations (which animal parts go to which parties
> in which categories of sacrifices, e.g.), as well as why some texts disagree
> with others.
> ----------------
> Has anyone seen this usage before?
> --
> Randy Alexander
> Xiamen, China
> Blogs:
> Manchu studies:
> Chinese characters:
> Language in China (group blog):
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society -

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