alphabet soup

Victor Steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Thu Nov 10 08:38:08 UTC 2011

[Re-sending--initially sent from the wrong account.]

Josh Marshall at TPM posted a brief note last night:

> Ex-Executive Director of the South Carolina GOP tweets calling Pelosi
> the C-Word, the B-Word and the W-word, then tells TPM it was a "joke."

In case it's not obvious, here are the tweets in question.
>     @ToddKincannon: @TeresaKopec "The Crabby Cunt from the California
>     Coast"? #NancyPelosi
>     @ToddKincannon: @TeresaKopec Or how about "The Botox Bitch from
>     Buggeryland"? That seems to work for Nancy Pelosi too.
>     @ToddKincannon: @TeresaKopec Would you prefer Nancy the Crooked
>     Whore? More accurate, but also more words.

Then came the inevitable "correction":
> @aterkel I wish I could walk back the "Nancy the Crooked Whore" thing.
> It's not alliterative.

Well, at least, it wasn't illiterate. Of course, the whole barrage had
been precipitated by Herman Cain's comment about "Princess Nancy" during
the debate, which his campaign had instantly supported with a tweet, but
which Cain now says he "probably shouldn't have made".


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