No grand wizard

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Nov 10 21:57:26 UTC 2011

On Nov 10, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Victor Steinbok wrote:

> Big flop yesterday morning from David Gregory.
Is that like a big flap only more so?

>> On NBC's "Today" this morning, David Gregory--the host of "Meet the
>> Press"--was addressing the lack of Republican infrastructure that
>> might encourage a beleaguered Herman Cain to leave the GOP
>> presidential contest.
>> He chose his words poorly. Said Gregory:
>>    "Well there is no, you know, grand wizard in the party right now
>>    who can really force the issue."
> ...
> BTW, Gregory pronounces Bialik as "Bee-'elik". Are there no Slavs or
> Yiddish-speakers in the media?
Well, better "Bee-'elik" than "Buy-a-lick", I guess.


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