random taboo avoidance (UNCLASSIFIED)

Victor Steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Wed Nov 30 01:59:49 UTC 2011

I got the disk out again and followed up on a few pointers. It actually
sounds like "broomshed artist", or, even closer, "br at nsh@darchist", but
the CC text does say "bullshit". Apparently, I misremembered "barn" or
misinterpreted it. The thing that's striking is that there is a
"fucking" in the sentence before, so if the avoidance is in the script,
it's an odd one. If it's "bullshit", then it's also odd but for a
different reason.

To make things more interesting, I uploaded a 2+ minute MPEG clip to
GoogleDocs. It's at


You should be able to play it or download it. The word is at about 2:02,
but scroll back another 10 seconds to get the exchange.


On 11/29/2011 4:03 PM, Mullins, Bill AMRDEC wrote:
> If  you see it again, check the closed captions.

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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