"upstart", v. 'upset' [source]

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Wed Apr 4 01:55:58 UTC 2012

I forgot to add that this was uttered by (I think) Dave O'Brien, one of the announcers for the women's national championship basketball game between the favored Baylor Bears and the "upstart" Notre Dame Irish.


On Apr 3, 2012, at 9:50 PM, Laurence Horn wrote:

> "Will the Irish upstart the Bears?"
> Interesting (if at all) because it's a blend of an actual transitive verb, "upset", with the nominal "upstart".  There are no relevant verbal entries for "upstart" in the OED, and I assume this is a nonce formation.
> LH
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> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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