
Victor Steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Thu Apr 19 21:56:31 UTC 2012
Move Over Breasts, Chinplants are What's Hot
> In the world of plastic surgery, vanity is a fickle muse. One day it's
> breast implants, next it's liposuction, then Botox, then it's
> chinplants. /Chinplants/?
> That’s right, chins are the new breasts.
> ...
> "The biggest jump was in people over 40, which is the point where
> people are bridging the gap between youthfulness and middle age," says
> Antell.

Aside from being short, there are plenty of reason to file the whole thing

1. chinplants
2. Move over X
3. X is new Y
4. we now have a hard definition of "the gap between youthfulness and
middle age"


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