"Mutt" in Indian religion or law; not in OED

W Brewer brewerwa at GMAIL.COM
Mon Aug 13 05:00:26 UTC 2012

Mutt 'n' Jeff

WB: If I interpret the Wikipedia article correctly, Bud Fisher's idea for a
daily comic strip (A. Mutt) was turned down in 1905, two years before
syndicated debut. And Othello Jeff had mutton chop sideburns.

JB wrote: <<<There appears to be a "mutt" in Indian law or religion
(Hindu?) that can be found in English-language documents.>>>

WB: Ah, if Bud Fisher had had a Hindi background, we might take seriously,
WADR, The Presumptuous & Pretentious One 's suggestion. Casually browsing,
as I am wont to do on occasions of dissipated ennui, I stumbled upon Mutt,
Muth, muTh, (Sanskrit) Matam (view, thought, religion, philosophy, or
anything at all actually). I think it is something like [m + schwa +
retroflexed-aspirated-tea], according to a jpg photo of a devanagari
inscription. They say Anglophones pronounce it [mutt]. On the other hand,
Urban Dic (no disrespect) has Hindi muth (sperm, cum), muth maarna
(masturbate), which is handy to know.

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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