Wilson Gray
hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Sun Dec 16 00:31:00 UTC 2012
14 July 1838, Boston Times, pg. 2:
In Saxony they make cheese out of potatoes; in Cincinnati they make
combs out of pigs' toenails; in Holland they make clam chowder out of
frogs; in New York they make _sassengers_ out of -- what?
Pronounced [sasEndZ at z], maybe.
Down in Marshall, as a change of pace from bacon, we'd have for
breakfast fried, ground-pork patties called "saussengers"
[sOUsIndZ at z]. I wonder what the singular of "sassengers" was. Our
singular was "saussenger" [sOwsIndZ@]. Just as we chirren used
"peacher" [pitS@] as the singular of "peachers" [pitS at z], so also used
we [sOUsIndZ@] as the singular of "saussengers."
All say, "How hard it is that we have to die!"---a strange complaint
to come from the mouths of people who have had to live.
-Mark Twain
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