Goat rodeo redux

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Sun Feb 26 16:35:04 UTC 2012

Not connected until I received a letter from the Celebrity Series of
Boston (asking for money, of course) mentioning them --

Yo-Yo Ma's Goat Rodeo Sessions -- collaborations of Ma with 3 string
players from a different world.

Now a recording. For which see Wikipedia, "The Goat Rodeo Sessions",
which defines "goat rodeo" as "'a chaotic situation', a reference to
the unusual and challenging aspects of blending the classical and
bluegrass genres."  And which also says "Yo-Yo Ma describes Goat
Rodeo as followed, 'If there were forks in the road and each time
there was a fork, the right decision was made, then you get to a goat
rodeo.'"  Yo-Yo's is not my vision of a goat rodeo.


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