ESPN Sugar Bowl game

Victor Steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jan 5 05:31:22 UTC 2012

To be honest, I don't follow football that closely and have not watched
a whole game in several years (I am not sure I've put in a complete
quarter, except for a couple of NFL playoff games). So my memory on
expression frequency may be faulty. But my recollection was that
"throwing long" most of the times implies overthrowing the
receiver--although it can also just mean throwing the ball a long
distance. If I hear a comment, "He threw long time and time again," I
assume it refers to a quarterback who has repeatedly overthrown his
receivers, not just throwing the ball a long distance. "Going long"
means a particularly long throw (over 20 yards, or something like that).
A "long throw" (noun) would be just that, without an implication
regarding completion.

So, right or wrong, this is the clarification of what I meant. It may
also differ regionally or simply from one commentator to another.


On 1/4/2012 1:38 PM, Laurence Horn wrote:
> ...I'm not sure i see a difference between "throwing" and "going"
> here. LH

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