"Which half?" (teaching or knowing)

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Sat Jul 7 14:52:05 UTC 2012

At 7/7/2012 08:21 AM, Jonathan Lighter wrote:
>I vividly recall my ninth-grade science teacher telling us, "Half of
>everything we think we know, is wrong. The question is which half."

Speaking, as George did, of Einstein, when the above arrived in my
In-box, and brought to mind the corollary
"Half of everything you were ever taught is wrong; the question is which half",
I had the queasy feeling that one of the two forms is attributed to Einstein!

Not found Googling.  (And I'm still putting pennies in the jar for
the YBQ.)  But I've found more snowclones":

Correct, in one half-life period, one half of the radioactive
isotopes will decay; the question is, Which half?

Half of what you hear from these people may be true. The question is
which half?

... the death of the Republican Party, what emerges two years from
now will be only half of the current party. The question is, which half?


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