Reverse "support" again

Neal Whitman nwhitman at AMERITECH.NET
Sun Jul 29 16:32:34 UTC 2012

And it's no fluke. Here's his Facebook comment from early this morning: "Turns out amnesia was like the one game that wouldn't support intel graphic cards."


On Jul 29, 2012, at 8:51 AM, Neal Whitman <nwhitman at AMERITECH.NET> wrote:

> ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
> Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster:       Neal Whitman <nwhitman at AMERITECH.NET>
> Subject:      Reverse "support" again
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Don't have access to the previous messages in this thread from last week, but had to write this before I forgot. My son just got back from spending the night with a friend, and told how he'd gotten his friend's computer to play a video game, a computer which they had thought was unable to play games. Turns out, my son said, his friend had had the bad luck to try playing "the one game that didn't support his video card."
> Neal
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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