too = 'either'

Victor Steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jun 12 14:42:41 UTC 2012

True, but the song is over 40 years old and the reference does appear to
specifically riff on the lyrics. If this were completely independent,
I'd bite. But my first reaction to the quote was to link it to the song
as well, so the news hook seems to be going for the Baby Boomers and the
Echo. It seems CNN has become the kind of a generational marker that 60
Minutes used to be.

Basically, this was one-off usage that's been followed by some copycat
spikes, but this is not evidence of a drift.


On 6/10/2012 7:52 PM, Jonathan Lighter wrote:
> You guys don't get it, do you?
> In your exx., "too" still = 'either.'
> JL

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