"ultrajectine", 1730, not in OED

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Mon Jun 25 20:02:38 UTC 2012

I have no idea what this means,* if it's a real English word, whether
it's derived from Latin and what it might have meant there, or is a
mistake -- but it's not in the OED.

"And I cannot but think it no Small Reflection on our Ultrajectine
Doctor; that he knows what the Porters say; it looks as if he were
acquainted with them."

[Samuel Mather].  "A Letter to Doctor Zabdiel Boylston; Occasion'd by
a late Dissertation concerning Inoculation."  Boston: Printed for D.
Henchman, 1730.  Page 11.  ECCO, EAI.

Mather's "Letter" rebukes Dr. William Douglass for his criticism of
Boylston and Cotton Mather.  Douglass had accused them of being
credulous, taking accounts of successful inoculation from African
slaves, which were no more believable than if they had taken
information from porters at the docks.  So Mather is aspersing
Douglass as no better than a porter himself.

* Unless it's related to "jactant", boastful.  Which would
fit.  Douglass was characterized as arrogant, disdainful of those
with less education than he.  (Like the Scarecrow after his
commencement, he had a degree -- an MD from Edinburgh.  And Boylston did not.)


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