Q: "It's just like New York"

Victor Steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Wed May 2 22:02:57 UTC 2012

Would you say, "It's just like Paris!" be a reasonable facsimile?


On 5/2/2012 3:33 PM, Joel S. Berson wrote:
> I see I should have asked, does anyone have evidence that this
> expression *is* used with the meaning I hypothesized, not whether
> anyone can *imagine* it means that.
> Joel
> At 5/2/2012 02:39 PM, Victor Steinbok wrote:
>> I read it as "This is SO New York!" or "I would expect this from New
>> York"--or, in the more formal environment, "This is similar to the kind
>> of thing/behavior you can find in New York".
>> The former, I suppose, can be an affirmation of quality. Come to think
>> of it, so can the latter--if you already associate New York with quality
>> (just like parts of the world associate "America!" with good things).
>>      VS-)
>> On 5/2/2012 1:19 PM, Joel S. Berson wrote:
>>> "It's just like New York" -- does anyone think of this phrase as
>>> meaning that something has been done well or correctly, or some
>>> similar meaning?
>>> Joel

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