"By 1961, eighty-five percent of Africa's elephants had been _decimated_."

W Brewer brewerwa at GMAIL.COM
Tue May 22 18:18:31 UTC 2012

Decimating the calendar. Learning Latin made me aware that the month names
were akilter. Two millennia of this illogical nonsense is really too much.
I hereby make the emotion to officially change December to Duodecember.
Likewise, November becomes Undecember. What happens to the other two
inflated months is anybody`s guess. November Novus (old September),
December Verus (old October)? On the other hand, it might be easier just to
drop the two Caesars and go back to a lunar calendar. The Roman X does seem
to have inflationary tendencies: decimate, December, dime ($10 worth of

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