hot dogs -- recent newspaper article

Cohen, Gerald Leonard gcohen at MST.EDU
Fri Apr 12 01:18:37 UTC 2013

An article on the hot dog appeared yesterday in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, April. 10, 2013, Section L ("Let's Eat"), pp. 1, 4; title: "Top Dogs." There's nothing here about the origin of the term, but I still find the item interesting for two reasons:

1) There's something about the hot dog that produces an abundance of puns (I'm collecting them), and the title of the present article ("Top Dogs") provides one more.

2) The end of the article mentions Bruce Kraig's book on hot dogs.  I have no connection, financial or otherwise, to the book and haven't even seen it yet.  In case anyone's interested, the article says:

"WANT MORE DOGS? 'Man Bites Dog: Hot Dog Culture in America' is a  300-page hardcover book released late last year that examines our country's obsession with franks.  Food historian Bruce Kraig and photographer Patty Carroll roamed from New York to Los Angeles in search of the stories, people and restaurants of the hot dog world. Their collection includes many creative and classic recipes ($40) on Amazon."

Gerald Cohen

co-author with Barry Popik and the late David Shulman: _Origin of the Term "Hot Dog"_, 2004.

(Needs an updating to include the excellent recent work of Fred Shapiro, Barry Popik and Ben Zimmer in

finding pre-1895 attestations)

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