Joke: I'm looking here because the light is better (1932)

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Sat Apr 13 00:56:15 UTC 2013

Paul Johnson wrote:
> There is a 1942 french film by Georges Clouzot called "_The Murderer
> Lives at Number 21_"
> <>
> with the same joke, only this time the drunk has climbed the pole for
> even more light

Paul Johnson: Thank you for pointing to this film. I obtained a copy
of the French 1942 version "L'Assassin Habite... Au 21" with English
subtitles. I viewed the scene and updated the post on the QI website
to include this example. The acknowledgement was also updated to
include your name.

[Begin excerpt]
In 1942 the film "L'Assassin Habite... Au 21" directed by
Henri-Georges Clouzot was released in France. It included a scene with
a version of the joke. A policeman approached a character named Jean
Baptiste who was sitting adjacent to a streetlight fixture on a strut
that projected from the wall and supported the lamp above the street.
The policeman asked Jean Baptiste what he was doing up there.

He initialed replied that he was waiting for a bus and then stated he
was looking for something. The policeman enquired "What?" "My
matchbox. The light is better up here" was the reply. In French the
search object was: "ma boîte d'allumettes".

[ref] 1942, Film in French: "L'Assassin Habite... Au 21", Directed by
Henri-Georges Clouzot, Adapted by Henri-Georges Clouzot and
Stanislas-André Steeman from a novel by Steeman, (Scene occurs at  13
minute mark of 1 hour 20 minute version), Films Sonores Tobis.
(English version of film released in 1947 as "The Murderer Lives at
Number 21") (Data form IMDB) [/ref]

[End excerpt]

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